5 Thoughts About Homeschooling (Pandemic Edition)

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If I had to boil down all the advice I have to share about what it’s like to homeschool during a pandemic to a few basic points, this is what I’d say:

1. If you want to homeschool, you can. I've seen people make homeschooling work under any kind of circumstance — single parents, two working parents, even parents with disabilities. At times like these, when families may be dealing with working from home or unemployment, housing upheavals, illness, and other stress, you may really appreciate the flexibility homeschooling can bring to “do school” when you want, the way you want.

2. Homeschooling can be as easy as you want it to be. Putting extra pressure on yourself or your kids doesn't produce better results. If you want your kids to get the most out of homeschooling, first try to relax. Have fun. Take breaks to decompress. And if what you're doing isn't working — try something different.

3. More isn't always better. At a time when every school is making it up as they go along, and every student is having an unusual year, “keeping up” with the school is an illusion. And you don't get extra points for teaching your child to read early, or trying to get through calculus in sixth grade. Let your children progress on their own schedule, and don't worry how other people's kids are doing.

4. There are no guarantees with homeschooling (or with any other kind of schooling). Every child is different. Every family is different. No one educational method works for everyone, in school or out. So take all advice (even mine) with a grain of salt. Whether or not you follow the school’s course of study, use a pre-packaged homeschool curriculum, or create your own, you will be OK. Most importantly, don't let anyone tell you you're doing it wrong, if what you’re doing is working for you and your family.

5. You always have options. You don’t have to homeschool from preschool to college, or even for the entire year. And if you go back and you don’t like it, you can always go home again. You don’t even have to stick with the same plan you started out with — many homeschoolers change methods and materials midstream. The choices you make now will not make or break your child's future. So stop worrying, take chances, and see what develops. You'll be glad you did.

Find more advice and support on my Homeschooling page!

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Virtually Maker Faire Picks


Thought I’d share the list of Virtually Maker Faire events I'm going to try to see on Saturday (or catch later).

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I usually make a list like this to carry around at the Faire grounds. Usually I get distracted by all the cool things to see and do and miss half of them.

Today’s list seems like a lot, but the upside of an online Faire is that I can take it outside and watch while I’m sewing masks or gardening.

Which presentations are you looking forward to?

All times Eastern.

5:30 am -- Memory Books -- Tanya Fish https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71821

7 am -- An Introduction to Quantum Computing Through Comics -- Physicist Kitty Yeung https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/72415

10 am -- Designing and Sewing Face Masks -- Me! https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71768

10:30 am -- Tour the Circuit Breaker Labs Studio (love her earrings!) https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71433

11 am -- OBS for Dummies (Like Me) -- Sandy Roberts https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71649

11:30 -- Reimagining Education in School and at Home -- Me! https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71763

11:30 -- Textile Waste face masks https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71601

1pm -- Pivoting in the Pandemic — Adafruit NYC https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71700

2:30 pm -- The Influence of Luck -- Elijah Horland https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71739

5 pm -- Scrappy Circuits Workshop https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71658

5 pm -- Teaching Maker Classes via Distance Learning --
Rick Schertle https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71478

6 pm -- Making Companion Bots -- Alex Glow, Jorvon Moss, Angela Sheehan https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71401

8:30 pm -- Studio Tour and Works in Progress with Sophy Wong https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/72241

9 pm -- Arc Attack! https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/71797/

9:30 pm -- Aftermath: Virtually Maker Faire Wrap (registration required) https://makerfaire.com/maker/entry/72493

Find more advice and Support on my Homeschooling page!

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Talking with Educators and Makers at Virtually Maker Faire!

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Maker Faire is a world-wide phenomenon that has introduced people around the world to the idea that you can learn and grow through hands-on Maker activities. It’s run by the same company that published many of my Maker books for kids and other beginners and is now running Maker Camp, a wonderful resource for parents. And this year, with the global shutdown, the flagship event is going online!

For 24 hours on Saturday, May 23, you can watch talks by adults and kids who are making equipment to help us all stay safe from COVID-19, learn about projects of all kinds to make our lives better now and into the future, and see what people are doing to challenge themselves and provide fun and entertainment for others.

Here are the panels I’m moderating for this year’s Maker Faire and links to the videos. I hope you find them inspiring!

Reimagining Education in School and at Home


What will school look like in the new-normal world? How can we combine the best of traditional classroom, remote, and homeschool education? I talk with a panel of public, charter, library, and homeschooling maker-educators — Kristina Holzweiss, Bianca Forrester, Peter Rawitsch, and Rick Shertle — to discuss what models might work best for the diverse population of students, parents, and educators in the US and around the world.


While hospitals for the most part have finally found commercially-made supplies, there’s still high demand for re-usable, washable cloth face masks from office, retail, and services workers as well as the general public. I talk with mask creators Todd Thomas and Kelly Cheatle as we go through the challenges of designing an effective mask to make at home, from sourcing materials to breathability, and discuss how and why this low-tech solution to the problem of containing the coronavirus pandemic is so important to our country's recovery.

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Talking with Teachers About Homeschool/School


Family Maker Camp — from Make magazine, which also publishes some of my books — is providing some great content for both kids and adults. I was invited to take part in a Parent Happy (Half) Hour panel discussion of teaching during the pandemic, which turned out to be very affirming.

I got to meet two hard-working, passionate educators from the West Coast, Bianca Forrester of Oakland Charter High School, and Tobie Garcia of Urban Montessori Charter School. Also on the panel were Make: author-educator Rick Shertle and hosts Gillian Mutti of Make: Community, along with Mario the Maker Magician and his wife Katie Marchese. Both Rick and the Marcheses are homeschoolers as well.

I was pleased to hear that everyone was on the same page in terms of what we should be expecting students to do at this time of great upheaval, and about the opportunity for schools to make a radical change when they return to the classroom.

You can watch the whole conversation above. Enjoy!

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Housekeeping Versus Homeschooling


I've heard there are homeschoolers whose houses are always neat. Who never lose a handwriting worksheet under a pile of manga drawings. Who can plop down in the living room without noticing a thicket of cobwebs underneath the bookcase.

To be honest, I've never met one.

Keeping a house clean can be a challenge for any parent with kids. Throw in the extra responsibility of working from home while helping with school work, and it's no wonder things can get a little messy.

As a veteran homeschooling mom once said, "Something has to give, and that's it."

So let me share some strategies for keeping the chaos at bay while still maintaining a livable environment.

Set Realistic Standards

Being a homeschooler doesn't mean you have to live in squalor. But giving up a little control, along with your fantasies of Instagram interior design perfection, can help you avoid burnout.

First, don’t compare your kids to anybody else’s. I once spent a morning holding my breath in the home of a mom who had trained her young twin daughters to respectfully avoid her collection of precariously-displayed glass knickknacks. I was very glad to escape with my two oblivious children without mishap.

The safest way to avoid having to be constantly on guard is to “child-proof” the spaces you share with your kids for the stage of life they’re at. They may not be toddlers, but if they’re spending most or all of their time indoors, chances are they’ve got a lot of pent-up energy to expend.

Make Your House as Kid-Friendly as Possible


You don't have to turn your entire house into a playroom, but create some areas where kids can be comfortable. Some ideas:

Use easy-to-clean flooring and furniture. Move valuable rugs to another part of the house. Cover your couch with a blanket. Get a vinyl tablecloth that lets you wipe up spills, paint, or glue easily.

Put books, toys, and crafts supplies at child level. If you can, rotate the selection of playthings to keep the offerings fresh and interesting. It can make it less likely kids will get into things they're not supposed to.

Find storage that kids can use themselves. Clear off some low shelves. Collect school materials in baskets and bins. Get plastic drawers to sort school supplies (and Lego bricks!). If your kids aren’t reading yet, print out labels with pictures so little ones know what goes where.

Teach Your Kids the Art of Housekeeping

Teaching your kids to keep house is a skill that will serve them well throughout their lives. And if you are keeping records of what your kids learn, you can file it under “Life Skills!”

Start with simple chores before they hit the tween years and they may even think it's fun. Young kids can help sort clothes or set the table. Older kids can do dishes, sweep the floor, make their beds, and care for pets.

To increase the odds that kids will cooperate, break down tasks into parts that are short and easy to manage. It only takes a few minutes to wipe down the bathroom sinks or the microwave, but getting those little jobs done makes your house feel instantly cleaner.

And if a family member has a favorite chore, let 'em at it. Some kids are happy to clean anything if you hand them a Swiffer duster.

Most of all, keep things in perspective. You've got a lot on your plate. Now’s the time to give up some control and let your family members share the burden – even if they don’t do the job up to your standards.

When you weigh what’s really important at this time, a house that’s safe and comfortable may be all you need for right now.

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